Lip blush healing stages

Are you thinking about getting lip blush tattoo? Are you still concerned about the healing stages? Are you still wondering how to look after  your new blush lip tattoo during healing stages?

The initial healing will take 3-4 days and your final colour will be fully settled at the 6 week mark.

  • Day 1

Immediately after your tattoo, your lips can be swelling by chance. This will be temporary, normally lasts around 24-48 hours after treatment. To minimise swelling, keep your head lifted by sleeping with your head propped with an extra pillow; avoid exercise for 24 hours; apply a cool pack to the area if necesary.

On this day your lips will appear bright and bold. The color of your lips at this point is not the color they will heal to. The color will fade and settle around 30-40% compare to first day color.

Swelling; Bruising; Oozing; Tenderness (like the feeling of sunburn); all those above can be happened on first day, but some only will last from a few hours to 24 hrs.

Aviod spicy/salty foods, avoid skin care products with active ingredients (AHA, glycolic acids etc)

  • Day 2

Swelling may be more severe in the morning. By the afternood, most of all swelling should back to normal level.

The color of your lips still will be quite bold. In the afternoon or evening, you could start to notice your lips beginning to fell a little tight and dry.  Continue applying aftercare gel to provide moisture for the lips.

  • Day 3-5

From this day, the dryness will start to begin. Different person feels diferently on levels of dryness and peeling. But most common feeling is like they are wearing layers of liquid lipstick. It is very important to ensure your lips are always moisturised during this period. And DO NOT pick any flakes, picking will cause pigment lose and can create patchy and uneven healed results.

  • Day 5-7

The peeling stage will be finished by now.  There still may be a bit light peeling remaining for some. If this is the case, let the flakes come off by themselves. The healing of your lips is now complete. 

The color will fade sifnificantly, but this is not the final color. You will notice the color of lips changes over next a few weeks.

  • Day 10-30

You start notice your lips have faded too much. Or you notice your lip tone is too cooler or warmer than you wanted. This is all normal and is normal part of healing process.

Around 14+ days, your lips will begin to settle and the true color start to bloom.

  • Day 30+

The color changes are complete now. Your lips fully healed and their color are settled into the desired look.

By end of 6 weeks, you may choose to get a touch up service. Touch up procedure will help area where may not have taken the color; perfect the lip tattoo or make slightly color adjustments if needed.

Life changing lip tint mission achieved!

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