Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technology that employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, e.g., eye lining, etc.

The benefits of having permanent makeup include:

  • Increased confidence.
  • Accentuated eyes with smudge-free, waterproof eye lines.
  • Face that is framed with natural-looking eyebrows.
  • Lips that are well defined, and that have added fullness and colour.
  • Lip colour that is enhanced, and that complements skin colour and hair tone.
  • The face and body features are always in balance.

You can relax as we give you your permanent makeup at Elfreda Beauty, where we offer eyebrow permanent makeup, eyeliner tattoos, and lip tattoos.

Eyebrow permanent Makeup

From $790

(Single time $400)

Eyeliner Tattoo

From $690

Lip Tattoo


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